nutrition counselling for
improving digestive health

Hi! Iā€™m Valerie, a Registered Associate + Holistic Nutritionist with a Masters in Nutrition & Behaviour who helps people improve and understand their digestive health (food sensitivities, IBS, gas/bloating) WITHOUT the restriction of foods, shame around food, or protocols that neglect to address the root issues.

Maybe eating feels complicated, taking up so much time and effort planning, prepping, etc. for something that is supposed to nourish us, and sustain us; instead, it creates such problems in our lives, physically, socially, and emotionally.

Perhaps youā€™ve truly ā€œtried everythingā€, or fear that working with a practitioner may mean that youā€™ll have to drastically change your diet, removing foods, buying expensive organic groceries, ultimately taking away time and effort you feel you donā€™t have.

That probably feels like the last thing you want, as every day feels exhausting with fatigue, brain fog, constipation, and unpredictability of other digestive symptoms like gas/bloating, despite you putting a lot of care and effort into your health. 


If this is you, I feel you, Iā€™ve BEEN you, and I would genuinely LOVE to help.

You wantā€¦.

  • to live symptom-free

  • to ā€œfigure it outā€

  • to live a life without fear around food + symptoms

  • to have flexibility + freedom around what you eat

  • to have more energy + improved mood

  • to get what you put in when it comes to looking after your own health

Letā€™s do it!


ā€œ..I now live essentially symptom-free, and can basically eat what I want, when I want, with the proper knowledge + education around food. Valerie created flexibility and freedom with my diet, changed how I now approach food, and overall improved my entire quality of life!ā€

my approach

  • validation


    listening + validating YOU

  • addressing the root

    so much more than food

    no masking symptoms

  • no restrictive diets

    foods that support you

    no long-term elimination

  • holistic/psychological


    food psychology


"I feel like I have gained so much insight about my relationship with food since working with Valerieā€¦.I no longer feel "controlled" by food, or always questioning/burdening myself with the "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts".

Eating is something that should be intuitive, but for so long it has not. I'm so happy where I am in my journey so far, and Valerie has just made it feel right."